Welcome to Dover AFB Force Support Squadron

Deputy Director
436th Force Support Squadron
Mr. Avery J. Borders is the Deputy Director 436th Force Support Squadron,
Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
Mr. Borders supports and shares in the responsibility with the
436th Force Support Commander in providing vital mission support through
manpower and personnel, services sustainment, force development,
Airman and family services, community services along with mortuary affairs,
honor guard, and installation readiness for 10,000 active duty and
civilian personnel assigned. He is responsible for the execution of
over $5.2M Non-Appropriated and $2.3M Appropriated Fund operating budgets.
Prior to his current assignment, Mr. Borders served as Deputy Director of the 82d Force Support Squadron at
Sheppard AFB Texas. He was instrumental in leading the Air Force largest tech training assignment program. During that time he led the Force Support Squadron through an ambitious transformation initiative integrating library services with the community center. He repurposed an ailing golf course into a robust enhanced outdoor recreation operation. Championed and executed over $8M in quality of life improvements. Identified and led the $5.4M Sheppard AFB Recreation Annex flood recovery effort after the unprecedented 2014 Texoma flood. Secured $2.9M in IMSC funding for the 4,000 SQF Force Support Community Commons modernization and renovation project. His contributions led the 82d Force Support Squadron to Air Force Hennessy Award 2012 and 2017, 2014 USAF Bowling program of the Year, AETC 2014 – 2016 General Curtis E. LeMay Award, AETC 2016 Verne Orr Award, 2016 AETC Outstanding Club Operation, and 2015 AETC Outstanding Bowling and Community Programs.
Mr. Borders is a Certified Hospitality Administrator (CHA) with extensive managerial experience fulfilling a broad range of disciplines within the Services, Force Support and Civil Engineering career fields. While assigned to Civil Engineering, he served as Chief, Housing Flight and Chief, Capital Asset Management Element. His responsibilities included Housing, Dormitory, and Furnishings Management Operations. He has extensive experience preparing and applying FSS and CE strategic sourcing tools to garner MWR programming support, facility improvements and military construction projects.
1990 Engineering & Services Information Management
1992 CE & SVS Mid-Level Management Applications Seminar
1999 Associate in Applied Science Administration/Management, Regents College
2000 Associate in Arts Japanese Studies, University of Maryland
2000 Associate in Applied Science Fitness, Recreation, & Services Management – Community College of the Air Force
2001 Bachelor of Science Liberal Studies (Management/minor Asian Studies/Occup Educ), Excelsior College
2003 – Present Certified Hospitality Administrator (CHA) American Hotel/Lodging Educational Institute
2010 Master of Management, University of Phoenix
2013 Air Command & Staff College, Air University, Correspondence
2016 USAF Management Development Seminar (OLC)
2017 MFSS350-17B Intermediate Personnel Officer Course
2017 USAF Organizational Leader Seminar (OLC) (Pilot Course)
2017 USAF Strategic Leadership and Development Program, University of Tennessee, Tenn.
1. October 2002 – July 2005 Manager, High Desert Inn, 95th Services Division Edwards AFB, California
2. October 2004 – April 2005, Chief, Combat Support Flight, 95th Services Division Edwards AFB, California
3. July 2005 – October 2009, Manager, Misawa Inn, 35th Services/Force Support Squadron Misawa AB, Japan
4. December 2005 – May 2006, Chief, Combat Support Flight, 35th Services Squadron Misawa AB, Japan
5. October 2009 – October 2010, Manager, Shogun Inn, 18th Force Support Squadron Kadena AB, Japan
6. October 2010 – September 2012, Chief, Capital Asset Management Element, 35th Civil Engineering Squadron Misawa AB, Japan
7. October 2011 – July 2012, Chief, Housing Flight, 35th Civil Engineering Squadron Misawa AB, Japan
8. September 2012 – July 2013 Chief, Sustainment Services Flight, 82d Force Support Squadron Sheppard AFB, Texas
9. July 2013 – August 2016 Chief, Community Services Flight, 82d Force Support Squadron, Sheppard AFB, Texas
10. August 2016 – March 2018 Deputy Director, 82d Force Support Squadron, Sheppard AFB, Texas
11. March 2018 – Present Deputy Director, 436th Force Support Squadron, Dover AFB, Delaware
2017 AF/A1 “Best in Air Force” Food Service Operation (John L. Hennessy Award) Sheppard AFB, TX
2016 AETC/A1 “Best Food Service Operation” John L. Hennessy Award
2016 Sheppard AFB, Cat II Civilian Manager of the Year 82d Mission Support Group, 82d Force Support SQ.
2016 AETC/A1 Verne Orr Award, 82d Force Support SQ. Sheppard AFB, TX
2016 AETC/A1 Gen Curtis LeMay Award “Outstanding Force Support Squadron” Sheppard AFB, TX
2016 AETC/A1 “Outstanding Club Operation” Sheppard AFB, Texas
2015 AETC/A1 Gen Curtis LeMay Award “Outstanding Force Support Squadron” Sheppard AFB, TX
2015 AETC/A1 “Outstanding Bowling Program” Sheppard AFB, TX
2015 AETC/A1 “Outstanding Community Programs” Sheppard AFB, TX
2015 82d Force Support Squadron CAT II Civilian Manager of the 3rd Qtr Sheppard AFB, TX
2014 AETC/A1 Gen Curtis LeMay Award “Outstanding Force Support Squadron” Sheppard AFB
2014 AF/A1 “Best in Air Force” Outstanding Bowling Program Sheppard AFB, TX
2014 AETC/A1 “Outstanding Bowling Program” Sheppard AFB, TX
2014 82d Mission Support Group Cost Conscious Culture (C3) Award Sheppard AFB, TX
2013 Sheppard AFB, Cat II Civilian Manager of the Year 82d Mission Support Group, 82d Force Support SQ.
2012 AF/A1 “Best in Air Force” Food Service Operation (John L. Hennessy Award) Sheppard AFB, TX
2012 AETC/A1 “Best in AETC” Outstanding Food Service Operation, Sheppard AFB, TX
2012 PACAF/A7 “Best in PACAF” Asset Management Flight, (Gen Eullberg Award), Misawa AB
2011 PACAF/A7 “Best in PACAF” Housing Program Runner up (Gen McAuliffe Award), Misawa AB
2009 Misawa AB, Civilian Manager of the Quarter 3rd Qtr 35 FW, 35 MSG, 35 FSS
2009 PACAF/A1 “Best in PACAF Small Lodging Operation”, Misawa AB
2007 Misawa AB, Civilian Manager of the Year, 35 MSG, 35 SVS
2007 Misawa AB, Civilian Manager of the Quarter, 3rd Qtr 35 FW, 35 MSG, 35 SVS
2006 PACAF/A1 Award “Best in PACAF Small Lodging Operation”, Misawa AB
2005 Edwards AFB, Air Force Flight Test Center Manager of the Quarter, 1st Quarter 2005
2005 Edwards AFB, Civilian Manager of the Quarter, 1st Qtr 95 ABW, 95 MSG, 95 SVS
2004 Edwards AFB, Team of the Year, High Desert Inn Lodging, 95 MSG, 95 SVS
2003 Edwards AFB, Civilian Manager of the Year, 95 Services Division
2003 Edwards AFB, Team of the Year High Desert Inn 95 ABW, 95 MSG, 95 SVS
1999 Air Force Services Non Commissioned Office of the Year
1998 Air Force Services Innkeeper Travelers Award
2018 Air Force Exemplary Civilian Service Award
2017 Quality Step Increase Award
2017 Air Force Civilian Meritorious Service Award
2013 Air Force Civilian Achievement Medal
2005 Air Force Exemplary Civilian Service Award
Air Force Commendation Medal with two Oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal with two Oak leaf clusters
Air Force Recognition Medal
(Current as of March 2018)