Welcome to Dover AFB Force Support Squadron

Child Development Center
212 Chad Street
(302) 677-3716
Operating Hours
Monday - Friday, 6:15 am- 5:45 pm
Saturday, Sunday, & Holidays, Closed
This child-oriented indoor and outdoor facility provides developmental care and learning experiences for children ages six weeks through 5 years of age. A waiting list is maintained for full-day care. The center has a referral list for Family Child Care homes operating in military family housing and those affiliated homes off base.
The Dover Air Force Base Child Development Center is committed to providing developmentally appropriate child care for the children of military members and civilian employees. This care includes meeting the emotional, social, cognitive and physical need of the children in a safe and secure environment. To ensure that children's needs are met, the center staff plans a variety of learning activities that encourage growth in each of the developmental areas. These activities revolve around learning through play. Parents are invited to actively participate in the child development program. The CDC staff members are committed to quality child care. They are continually trained in current developmentally appropriate practices. The overall goal of the Dover Air Force Base Child Development Program is to provide quality care for dependents of military members and base civilian employees. In order for this to happen, staff members and parents need to work together. The results of this cooperative effort will be children who are independent and well balanced, parents who are reassured in their child's well being, and staff members who are proud participants in the program.
Care Available
Weekly Care
A contract for weekly child care provides a guaranteed daily slot for child care. Fees are due on the first or second operating day each week.
If a slot is not available, your name can be put on a waiting list and you will be contacted when a slot is available. Assistance will be provided in locating affordable alternate care.
Hourly Care
Hourly care is provided on a reservation basis for children ages 6 months through 5 years. Children brought in on a "walk-in" basis will be accepted if space and staff are available.
A minimum of two (2) hours will be charged for all hourly visits, with a 5 minute grace period given before the next half-hour is charged. Payments are to be made on a daily basis when the child is picked up. There is no carry-over of charges.
Reservations for hourly care can be made starting at 6:30 am on the Friday prior to the week care is needed.
Children ages six weeks to five years are authorized to participate in center programs. Dependents of active duty military and DoD civilians have first priority for use of the center. Both parents must be employed or one spouse attending school full-time to be eligible for full time child care.
Care of children with special needs (physically, mentally challenged, children with special diets, speech/language delays, developmental delays, etc.) is provided.
Staff involve parents in development and use of Individualized Education Plans designed to meet the child's needs. A statement must be provided by the program's medical advisor or the child's doctor, verifying that the program can meet the child's needs. The medical documentation must establish a recommended staff: child ratio for the child's care.
An updated immunization record is required when you register your child at the CDC. When registration is completed, you will be eligible to call the center for child care reservations.
Fees & Charges
Weekly Care
Weekly fees are determined by total household income; DD Form 2652, must be completed. Failure to complete DD Form 2652 automatically places fees in highest category.
Hourly Rate
$4.00 per hr for all age groups. Minimum Charge: Two (2) hours
There will be a $20 late fee charge, in addition to the hourly rate of $4 per child for every 30 minutes, or portion thereof, the child remains after scheduled closing. Center hours for base exercises or alerts will be posted.
Parent Involvement
The CDC holds monthly Parent Advisory Board meetings. The meetings are open to any parent of a child attending the CDC, Family Child Care or youth activity program. The meetings offer an opportunity for parents to gather a wealth of information from guest speakers and exchange between parents.
Referral Services
Click here to visit NACCRRA.
NACCRRA's (National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies) goal is to provide vision, leadership, and support to community child care resource and referral centers and to promote national policies and partnerships committed to the development and learning of all children.
Related Links
Military Youth on the Move - a website that reaches out to youth with creative ways to cope with issues that arise in the face of a move.
The Airman and Family Readiness Center, in partnership with the CDC is offering a Give Parents A Break Program in which limited child care is available to active duty Air Force families in unique situations with referral from a designated base official.
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