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Auto Hobby Shop

477 Chevron Avenue

(behind the Arts & Crafts Center)

(302) 677-3249

Do It Yourself

Bring your vehicle to our new Auto Hobby Shop and utilize our space and tools to conduct self-help repairs with the benefit of the knowledgeable staff to assist you. 

Our staff can instruct you in weatherizing your vehicle in our heated bays.


ASE Certified Mechanic onsite that can conduct services and most repairs, including:

- Alignments

- Brake jobs

- Tune-ups

- Air conditioning service

- Clutch replacement

- Water pump replacement

- Alternator replacement

- And many other major and minor repairs


GSA Drive-up Service

 The Auto Hobby Shop also offers "GSA Drive-up Service" for basic vehicle servicing on Tuesday & Friday, 9 a.m. - noon. All major repairs are by appointment.


We Care Program

 Ask our staff about ongoing specials and about this special program for spouses of deployed service members.


Other Services

We have a motorcycle lift, a heated inside car washing/ detailing area and other amenities.  


Available for Rental

 - Lifts

- Tools

- Equipment

- Welding and more...


 Services Offered

 - Oil change, replace filter and fluid check - $25 (up to 5 qt. standard oil & filter)

- Brake job - front or rear (most cars) - $80 (plus parts)

- A/C service - add Freon - $20 (plus Freon)

- Car wash

- Many other auto services are also available


For appointments or questions call 677-3249.

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