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Family Child Care

864 Center Street

(302) 677-6115

Office Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

Appointments are also available

Family Child Care (FCC) is a quality child care option for parents offered in a home setting. All Family Child Care providers are qualified through the Air Force and licensed to operate a home business by the State of Delaware. Child care is offered during duty hours, evenings, and weekends. You may obtain a list of licensed providers from the FCC office, Child Development Center or at the Youth Center.

Be a Home Care Provider

If you're an active duty or retired military spouse and are interested in a rewarding career in child care, please contact the FCC office at 677- 6115 for more information.

You must be licensed by the Air Force to provide child care in base housing.

Children With Special Needs

The Family Child Care Program accepts children with chronic health problems, including HIV-positive children, for care and employs persons and approves as family child care providers individuals with chronic health problems, including HIV-positive individuals.

Expanded Home Care Options

The Air Force offers the FCC Expanded Child Care Program. Under this program umbrella, Dover offers three FCC child care options for parents.


Extended Duty Program (EDC)

Parents may request the use of this program when their child care needs temporarily extend beyond their normal child care arrangements due to military mission related requirements. Dover has three EDC providers contracted to offer this care. It is open to all active duty military, DOD civilians and reservists and the Air National Guard on active duty or for annual training and UTA weekends. Parents interested in using this program must obtain written verification from their supervisor stating they are required to work extended hours and there is no other child care available.


Returning Home Care

Military members returning home from deployments in support of OEF, OIF and deployments of 30 days or longer are eligible for 16 hours of free child care. This care can be used for business or appointments or if the parents want a night out. Parents must get written verification of eligibility for this care from their supervisor.

Forms for both Extended Duty Care and Returning Home Care are available at the FCC Office.


Subsidized Family Child Care

The Air Force is now subsidizing Family Child Care Providers based on the child care fee categories at the Child Development Center. Parents will complete a required form to determine their fee category. Parents will pay the amount listed for that category and the Air Force will subsidize the provider the remaining amount. This is a voluntary program for the providers. Please contact any child care provider or the FCC office for more information.


Other Home Care Options:

Child Care for PCS

Families PCSing on or off Dover AFB are eligible for 20 hours of free child care 60 days before they leave or 60 days after they arrive on base.


Child Care for Volunteers

There is a limited amount of child care available to any parent volunteering for a helping organization, such as the Airman's Attic. The Air Force Aid Society sponsors both of these programs.

 Parents may contact the Family Child Care Office or the Dover Air Force Base Family Support Center's Air Force Aid Society Office for more information on both of these programs.

A Parent's Guide to FCC Homes

Finding good quality child care is a challenge. To help the Dover Team meet this challenge, Family Child Care Homes are a very reliable and trustworthy option.


What is Family Child Care?

Family Child Care is the regular care of a child in the home of another family in base housing. The Air Force has developed a system for bases to use in offering a Family Child Care Program. Child Care providers are required to be licensed.


Who is eligible to use a Family Child Care Home?

Only children of active duty military personnel or civilians employed on or supported by the base may use the FCC. Children ages 2 weeks through 12 years of age are eligible for care.


Who decides the fees charged?

Care is provided by the licensed provider as his/her private business. Therefore, fees and charges are set by that same licensee.


What is licensing?

Licensing is approved by the Mission Support Group Commander for an onbase resident to provide care in his/her quarters. The licensee must meet all requirements of the AF Family Child Care Program. Each provider is thoroughly investigated, monitored, and trained to meet the licensing requirements.


What are the admission requirements for children who use a FCC home?

The Air Force FCC regulations state that prior to admission in a FCC home the following requirements must be met by the parent:

 1. A completed AFF 1181, Child Registration Form, must be in your child's folder.

 2. Make sure your child has all immunizations required by the U.S. Air Force Clinic. The provider must be given proof of immunizations and these must be documented on the AFF 1181.

3. The parent must give the provider phone numbers where he/she can be reached in case of an emergency.

4. A written contract signed by both the provider and the parent.

5. Required paperwork from the State of Delaware, i.e. health appraisal.

Referral Services

Click here to visit NACCRRA - NACCRRA's (National Association of Child Care Resource and Referal Agencies) goal is to provide vision, leadership, and support to community child care resource and referral centers and to promote national policies and partnerships committed to the development and learning of all children.

Tips for Selecting a Family Child Care Provider

Start interviewing in advance of your need

We suggest that you allow two weeks or more to contact and screen prospective Family Child Care homes and providers.  


Spend as much time as you can with the provider

See if their attitudes regarding children agree with yours. Feel free to ask questions of the provider about her/his views on various subjects. You should try to select a provider that you and your child will feel comfortable with and have confidence in.


Let the provider interact with your child

Not all caregivers and children get along. You should try to select a provider that can deal with your child positively and one that your child will feel at ease with.


Ask very specific questions about the provider's discipline techniques

Family Child Care Providers are strictly prohibited from using any form of corporal punishment, even with parental permission. Instead, techniques are used to help the child develop self-control, self-esteem, and respect for the rights of others.


Take time to stop by and visit with the FCC coordinator

They will assist you with additional information in your search for childcare.


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